School Discrimination

by - October 11, 2013

Prologue : Acreditation of school is needed for deem the students who are in. When senior high school students going to continue their school to one of PTN in Indonesia especially to best PTN via SNMPTN, the rank of school is also counted.

The system of acreditation school has been acquainting since long time ago,
Every school who has accreditation 'A' is truly good. But what I see now, accreditation 'A' is not enough for categorizing it as good school. We can hear that schools who have predicate RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional), they are truly good better and best. Yaa even RSBI is abolished recently but it still not change RSBI or ex RSBI are the best one.

Stare the abolishing of RSBI, what I hear from my surrounding, I see on TV and my experience also. RSBI had high amount in school fee, because they believe able to make everyone who study there will have  international standard quality. And what I know and I see, they have good. There kinda  parameter good, but to me, school who has complete facility, luxury bulding and especially  able to print the winner in every competition in Indonesia or International instead, they are good.

I do believe that school who has good predicate (mean RSBI) is bonafide to issue quality student so that's the reason for student there continue their study to precious university around Indonesia simply even they'll more choose to abroad.

Let see the problem, not all clever people is posessed by precious school like them. I believe a lot of student who want to be clever like them more plentyful and they don't there, in that good predicate school. I see  that clever of someone is not only the fate of them but also the willingness of them to study by rehearsing their capability literally.
I also know that school who doesn't have good predicate, they don't have any big attempt to make the student will be genio supposing there are no kinda extra time to study more about olimpiad/course or implement good facility that so  necessary nowadays. It also creates the motivation of student who are not in good predicate school will don't have sparkling brain.
But the problem again, Do anyone inside that general school (doesn't have good predicate)
have bad quality?
Of course no. They perhaps not to come to good predicate school because they don't have enough money pay it all or they come from remote area and the good predicate school is located at downtown.

How misery they are who has capability more but because the school doesn't have high rank so this people isn't accepted in best PTN via SNMPTN. It's not the secret again even anyone have good score but the university will doubt with their score, they cannot join SNMPTN to university merely seeing how the school is.
I know still there's a chance for that people join SBMPTN but what's the function of SNMPTN way? Is it mere for they are who are in qualified school whereas there's still capable one outside kinda qualified school ?

It's homework for you, my lovely dikti.
Everything who I write here are the fact.
My school will never able to join SNMPTN to best university like UGM, UI and ITB under the reason of ranking my school. I feel pity to my senior before me, I don't want it happens again to my class and junior.

Here I am the victim

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