2020 Life Summary

by - January 08, 2021

Finally, 2020 comes to an end.

I made many revolution plan at the beginning of the year. To be honest, I almost forget what I've written there. I just re-read the articles there and found that I have done it very well unconsciously. That is why, I still wanna continue to write what I have obtained around the year and make a resolution, or even revolution to face the year ahead.

I think everyone knows that 2020 was a worse year as pandemic hits the world so hard. But, as a human, I definitely could crave a best day that I wanna share here.

Let me start to summarize what I have done in 2020, by time chronology.

1. Receive Scholarship from Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship (and Ride Shinkansen for the first time ever)

It still feels like a dream when I receive an invitation to attend an interview phase in Osaka on February for my scholarship application. 

I was happy since it means I was closer to my dream

I also was happy since I could ride Shinkansen for free

I still remember I ride my first ever airplane because of my achievement to pass tight selection for National Science Olympiad in high school. Now, I also able to ride this amazing transportation because of my achievement to pass the next selection of Otsuka. It seems a small thing, but it is big for me. I am glad for that.

Moreover, I also can make it to finally become Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation recipient. I received a lot of money that I never expect before.

Thank you...

2. Start My Youtube Channel and Find My Passion at Finance

'Stay at Home' makes me feel bored. I just spend my 24/7 with my husband at home. I should have online learning class, and I kinda tired not to have exciting activity.

Then, my husband comes with 'aha' moment to ask me start my Youtube Channel. He said that it could become my platform to learn how to speak in front of camera.

It was hard at the first time, but I learned a lot. It was very fun.

I know my Youtube channel only just reach 300 subscribers, with 500 public hours. It is far from monetization. But to be honest, I just make this channel for growing and hobby in my first year creating the channel. I am so happy for that tho.

Through this channel, I also become more understand what is my passion. I just realize how I know my Ikigai: What I have. What I am good at. What the world needs.

Yes, I love Accounting and Finance! 

3. Have A Research in Finance and Get it Publish
I told in the beginning of last year to have research as my revolution. It looks impossible as I am going to master by coursework. But, I had an offer from my Sport Finance professor to proceed my final mini-research assignment in better shape. Thus, I spent whole my summer holiday to work on the project.

There is a story behind summer holiday itself. I was planning to have holiday in Indonesia, but it should be cancelled due to pandemic. I was also planning to have an internship, but I was failed in all opportunity I applied for. Then, God sent me the best present ever that I could work with my most favorite professor, Professor Nobuya Takezawa, to work for the finance research. Not only that, in the end of the year, we got an announcement that our research is published in journal!

I hope the experience brings me more opportunity to come in the future, as I still have a dream to be an academician in the future. Hopefully heuuu...

4. Have Many Vacation Trip around Japan
I always spend my holiday to come back to Indonesia, every 6 months. It makes me never have a time to enjoy the whole beauty of Japan.

Not going back to Indonesia makes me realize that I have saved more money. As I have budgeted it for vacation, then I allocate them to visit many places in Japan. Moreover, there is 'Go to Travel' Campaign from Japanese government so Japanese resident can enjoy discounted fare in travelling.

It was really great!

After second wave of coronavirus, I started to refresh myself: Going to Disneysea, 4D3N trip to Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, Enjoy autumn vibes at Kawaguchiko, and have 3D2N year end trip to Sendai, Aomori, and Nagano.


5. Take JLPT N3 
I know N3 is not high level, but it is very high, for me who just learn Japanese individually, and not even going to Japanese school.
I planned to take the test on July actually, but it should be postponed to December instead. I did not get any announcement yet, but I should be optimist that I can pass it. Hopeful!

I think taking JLPT N3 has answered my revolution to learn Japanese more, even my master degree is conducted in Japanese.

6. I can cook Non-Indonesia Food now
I  do not know should I put this as my life summary or not. But I think, as a wife of a good husband, I also try to serve best to my husband. I put cooking as one of the way I provide love to my husband. Since I was really bad and hate cooking so much. I am so happy that I want improve myself to be the better version of me in my little family.


Yes, I mentioned many good things I have done for 2020.
Actually there are so many worse things that I hate. It is normal right.

2020 taught me how great God creates human being. Human in the world has hit by the great power of intangible thing so badly, but we can survive together very nicely.

This year may worse than any moments I have passed before, but I still captivated by the great ideation and innovation of human to adapt and strive in this challenging year.

This year has shaped us to be the new better version of human. It makes me more optimist that we all can be a better person in the upcoming year and beyond.

I am ready to face more amazing year to come.

Happy New Year!

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