Do (not) be yourself!

by - September 08, 2014

See bio twitter , quote of facebook, descriptiom on, personal message on Blackberry Messenger, they say:

“Be Yourself”

I don’t know what kinda reason, there are a lot of people using that word. Positively I believe that everyone who use that word has some wondering to that word, wether they are motivated or inspired (sama aja ding)
For them, ‘be yourself’ means that we may not to be another people. It’s not good imposing ourself to be another one. The idea of imposing is hurt to be existed. We will feel torturing because of its.

Simply like that.

You want to know what I’ve thought?

I don’t like it really. I’m the opposition.

I don’t like if someone say to be her/himself . I surely believe that it’s the form of apriori. I don’t know, do they think extremely about this and I do sure.

Apriori is an action when someone try to close him/herself from everything outside them and insist to present what  he/she believe inline where and how his/her environment existing. In sociology, you will get supposing a remote society in Indonesia such as Badui tribes in the term of apriori. We know that Badui people doesn’t want to open their mind to outside world joining present development. They believe that their beliefs are the best one and claim every outside of them are worst, not deserve to be implemented.

Is it true?

Heiii you’re too extreme, Sintia! It’s not like that!

Whatever they want to talk about my opinion, I do believe that meaning of that word is not further than my opinion.
I know and I feel. We were born to be different, from physically to mentally, we are different. There are one who born as a talkative and balancing to calm one. Someone has laziness in doing indoor learning, another don’t love outdoor activities. We are totally different and it’s absolute.

You must do everything to be the best!

I am the one who believe that to be the best people is not only from internal factor but it’s from external factor or I mean that we’re inspired by some others. You will not be some success people if you don’t know how that people able to get his/her success and you make him/her as people who deserve to be your example.

Will you insist to be yourself and do not want to join what some other success people has done previously than you?

Someone will insist be his/her ownself  and belive that success can be reached in their own way. But you must think that motivating by someone is absolutely needed. You will not have some motivation to be better if you don’t see them to get their best in their way. You cannot judge that you know everything without you don’t see what others do.

We are social creature. We cannot have life individually. We must force our body to be someone even we don’t like it in advance but habituation will make you better as well.
Don’t be egoism to be someone who has not known how to be the best one.
Whatever reason you give to me until you put that word in your social media.

I’m Opposition,

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