Letter for Kemdikbud: UN 2014

by - April 22, 2014

Once again, I’ll write about my opinion about Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA in Indonesia 2014. No matter there are anyone who read this post or perhaps Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan make a new decision due to this post, I'll keep writing.

I can give my big comments for UN because I am one of millions student in Indonesia who participated in Ujian Nasional 2014 several days ago. UN was held for 3 days from 14 April 2014 to 16 April 2014. The breaking news: level of difficulties in UN 2014 were more more more difficult because it did in international standard. I always support what government do, I also ever make an article about my pros side opinion with the implementation of UN. Now I write a letter, check this out:

Dear Government especially Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,

I afraid to write this articles because I am nothing, I just a cute third grade student  but I want to be the frontier if government need some next generation to be replaced. I want Indonesia better. Now, I want you know what truly happened in Education System of Indonesia.  That's why, I want you to read my letter and do what I suggest.

I've been a student for 12 years. I had ever joined Ujian Nasional three times. I've experienced a lot of case in terms of Ujian Nasional. I ever told you in my previous article about Ujian Nasional that Ujian Nasional is the reason for every students in the end of school degree to have endeavour for getting predicate 'LULUS'. Even though school had made the additional time for UN preparation but I've thought that those will be useless because the knowledge they've gotten and the sweat they've reached are not used to answer the questions of UN by their own brain.
Yes, you will be dizzy to catch what I've said above. Okay, directly I want to tell you about the abusing cases in everytime I joined UN. Needless to say that abusing in implementation UN had been there for a long time. Since I was in elementary school with 1 packet that all students got same question, Junior high school who increase to be 5 packets with clear code and until I was in Senior High School who increase maximally to be 20 packets with unclear barcode.

All of UN I've experienced had own story and among of them cheating was JUST an usual things. Firstly, I applaud what government do to protect UN to have the best standardization. Government, here Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) always try to add tight protection to avoid a lot of forms of abusing. As I've told you, formerly UN just 1 packet but now UN has 20 packets with barcode so it seems impossible to provide key answer for student so they can cheat easily. Well, government! You must know also that outside of you, there are a lot of cruel groups who try harder to pierce the tight protection that you've made. More and more you protect the safety of UN, more and more again the cruel groups increase their way to leak your tightest protection.

To be honest, I don't know those cruel groups, I've never have any affairs with them. I have frightened, I am really afraid with them because I know that they are thieves. Yes, they are soft thieves. They don't steal golden to be sold in shop but they have big intension to break the best next generation for Indonesia, they break the morality, they want Indonesian will not be honest so Indonesia will have corruptor at lasting time. They are really steal Indonesian student's mind to do not have any ambision for reach the success of Indonesia gloriously.

I hore just now, student approach those cruel groups and abuse UN nowadays under by a lot of reason. They are very afraid because Kemdikbud would make a difficult tests special for UN SMA 2014. Hmmm, I admit my last UN is out of my prediction, it is right to say that everyone have precautionary motive by buying key answer to keep student able to get predicate 'Lulus'. Out of line student's reason, I have a question if this year student afraid by the issue of increasing difficulty of test why student still cheat prior to this UN i.e. case of UN SD 2008 and UN SMP 2011? Yaa because I've told you that the case of cheating have been internalized by 'responsible' since I was in elementary school so it created some character to be dishonest, regardless Kemdikbud would make the test with International Standard or Village standard indeed, they will keep abusing.

Although student (including me) hated with the difficulty tests of UN yesterday, but we must know also that science has been growing rapidly so the quality of UN must be grown also by increasing the level of difficulty. Now it's our duty, we must answer the challenge from  Kemdikbud by learning more than usual. Is my opinion right, Kemdikbud?
It shows you obviously that the soul of dishonest always exist,. I don't know whose false in this case. But I have a lot of secret on my mind why this case still exist. I don't want to tell those because I believe it cannot mention as secret again. I don't believe if police, teachers, test controller and kementerian don't know how the chain of abusing occurs. It's  impossible if those cruel group able to do and safe to do without the assistance of white collar worker.

Government, please hear me! Abusing is not some easy case! From elementary school, it will grow and internalize in their heart. You must do something! It's not only homework for you, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. But for you, teachers in school, police who keep the protection and test controller in controlling the class to be condusive. It's about the mental of honesty, don't we want to have Indonesia without abusing, cheating, corrupting and any other worst thing.

You want it, right? Do something! Once again I still support Ujian Nasional regardless what worst things I've seen! Improve it! Print next gold generation!

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