Maulid Rasulullah (did something)

by - January 19, 2014

Today is Rabi'ul 'Awal, it's very special for every moslem because in this month their lovely prophet Muhammad SAW was born.
Here I do not have any desire to talk about the controversial celebrating the birthday of Rasulullah. I can say that I'm one who not oppose the celebration, I feel celebrating maulid (birthday) my lovely prophet can be reflected by celebrating His maulid. Moreover I do not wanna discuss about why I try to oppose those who cons with celebrating Maulid.

This year, I feel more alive. I've fifteenth times passed Maulid Rasulullah but I've never felt perfect as this year, now.
the exact date of Maulid Rasulullah is 12 Rabi'ul Awal but for 1435 H, timeliness with 14th January 2014.
I celebrated it in a good manner, I joined a lot of ways to celebrate it.
From joining a Majlis Maulid wat Ta'lim belong to my village till joining Majlis Maulid wat Ta'lim belong to A big region of Malang Raya.

First, in the early month, I joined one of Majlis Maulid in my pondok (Islamic boarding school), even though I came late and went back earlier, minimal I had a celebration of Maulid Rasululullah with another jama'ah Hubbun Nabi.

On 13th January or 11th Rabi'ul Awal, I went school as usual but I had a different luggages on my bag. I brought a lot of equipment to perform representating my class as Da'i in Da'i competition held by Badan Dakwah Islam (BDI). The theme was quite difficult that the participants had to experiment to bring the material about Adiwiyata and Maulid Rasul. Yes, since my school entitled as Sekolah Adiwiyata Nasional, everthing will be about Adiwiyata (Next, I'll talk about Adiwiyata and my material in Da'i). And the result Alhamdulillah I got the first winner :D

In this day also, I went back home earlier, before reaching the night, we had 'anter-anter', it's one of tradition for Javanese and Madurese people if there is an Islamic fiesta as like Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, Islamic New Year, Punggahan before Ramadhan and now Maulid Rasulullah SAW. Every house cooked greater than before, and gave it to neighbor. In the evening, every house prepared parcel to be deposited to Musholla.

Going on to the exact date of 12th Rabi'ul Awal, the sunset and the rising moon signed to 12th Rabiul Awal. There, after Isya every people in my kampung went to Musholla, we had sholawat. The atmosphere was heartwarming,  And the parcel that we had brought, we got it back. Yaa it was same with exchange each other.
On the 12th Rabi'ul Awal morning, because it was holiday, I did majlis Riyadhus Sholihin in Kampung Arab and I celebrated it again.

And so far, last night I joined again the celebration of Maulid Rasulullah with jama'ah Majlis Maulid wat Ta'lim Riyadlul Jannah that was the biggest club sholawat in Malang Raya (kab. Malang, kota Malang, kota Batu). I said it was special because I sent my sholawat with another 4000 jamaah, you can imagine how much people it was.

Yaa, I felt more alive to do a lot of schedule in celebrating maulid Rasulullah. I do hope simply that Rasulullah claim me as His followers so I can pick more beneficial to be His followers.

Shollu 'ala Nabi Muhammad

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