Worthwhile Feminism

by - June 30, 2013

Have you ever seen this case?

It often happen everywhere but rarely in my eyes.
One day, I went to kota malang at cock-crowk, I'll attend one islamic meeting. I got a move on attending it, merely not to make me and my father late. But admittedly, the tire of our motorcycle was leaking after we had 10km journey.

Under the dark of sky, we searched tire repair while walked. You surely know that it was so earlier, there were no any tire repair opened. I asked to villager where the tire repair was. She said that there was one tire repair around 1km. I and my daddy contiued our searchings, we arrived to one house with sign 'tambal ban' in front its house. We knocked at the door and shouted out to call the householder, but there were no any answer. Yaa, they still slept probably.

We continued our searchings again meanwhile I felt discomfort to my eyes because of dust. We walked again until we found wooden house and there was sign 'tambal ban'. I knocked and shouted. After a long time fortunately there was an middle-aged  woman appeared from that house. She aggreed to repair our motorcycle but she said to pray shubuh in advance. She asked us to sit at wooden seat and tried to clean it. I permitted to minimarket searching medicine for my eyes. Returning from minimarket, I was very shocked. Why? Because the middle-aged woman repaired the tire by herself. I thought that still there was her husband but astonishable that woman who opened and also worked that tire repair.

She's hero for her family

She told about her life to me. She lived alone aside this avenue. She came from Jakarta, she moved to Malang because she was expelled by government Jakarta due to cleaning environment  Jakarta (re : penggusuran rumah). Marvellously, she had 4 children and all of them are studying until college. She also told how she wanna open that tire repair merely because she wanna help everyone who undergo leaking tire at midnight. She grateful to have ability repairing tire of vehicle because it's worthwhile for everyone.

How nobly this woman. She come from low level of living, she's one of another people who don't get lucky in this world. She must survive by herself alone to fill necessity for her family. She courages to live aside street and repairing everyone who need her aid. Even so earlier or midnight, she wanna help everyone.

Readers, she's tangible form of worthwhile feminism. She do what's actually man do. She can use feminism in right way, she uses it to survive. Woman is marvellous, woman can do everything. Here, we see poor woman who has magnanimity that we must make it as example. She lives not only for herself but to help another people even just through repairing tire.

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