Pemilu Legislatif 2014

by - April 22, 2014

Late Post:
April, 9th 2014 - Indonesian celebrated their democration fest. It was the 3rd direct legislative election for Indonesian after reformation on 1998 where every Indonesian citizen have a chance to choose their representative in DPRD DATI II, DPRD DATI I, DPR RI and DPD directly.

Story :
First, I want to say that Pemilu Legislatif 2014 was glee moment for me yaaa because it was the first time I have a chance to have right in voting my representative for the betterment of Indonesia.
Actually I have not had right to get this chance yet. I was 16th years old, you certainly know that the requierement age to have Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) for election must have Citizenship Card (KTP now e-KTP) or mean have reached 17 years old, but me? Yes, there was big conspiracy behind of that. Actually it need 2 months to reach my requirement age to get DPT and join this direct election. Needless to say, I was very happy by that conspiracy, I can nyoblos for the very first time after all. Yuuhuu!

Now, I want to share my impression in this Pemilu Legislatif 2014. There were 13 parties which joined this election. Every parties have 6-9 personal candidate to sit in representative house DATI II/I/RI. You can imagine how wide the ballot that we have to coblos, we must search one among 13 x 7 = 91 choices averagely in every ballots we got. The letters were written in smaaallll size. I as teenager still have stress to find where was my choice. I must search careful and slowly to find its *lebay ya*.

According to my experience, I have another story. Hmm you all ever hear that Indonesia has big percent of illiterate society, don't you? I was curious how those illiteraty society choose their choice meanwhile they cannot read and find whose their choice. I thought the amount of abstain people (golput) would be caused by those illiterate people, but no! Those illiterate people still able to choose by accompanying with responsible officer  who has duty to help the illiterate nyoblos by finding one's choice. I don't know whether it was inline with Standard Operasional Prosedur (SOP). However I still proud for those who has intension to come to Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) and participate in democration fest.
I lived in a village, isolated village indeed and the data which I've gotten. Just a teens of people who were not coming to TPS. Compare with metropolist people who had big tens of abstain people. I don't have big comments for those who abstain but I had a simple question for them, ''so for what you afford the era reformation but after you get it, you don't do it (vote in election)?'' and ''Aren't you shy if illiterate people still strugle to choose the best for this country but you pretend to have big nationalism so you don't come to vote exactly?''
Indonesia... Indonesia... I was tired to discuss with all of bizarre things what anyone do.

This post doesn't have any conclusion, I just want to commemorate those who able to vote but select the way to be abstain one and I jusy want to show off how I able to leak the tighten of protection for voter in Pemilu Legislatif 2014 hahaha!

She was helped

Plentyful choices :(
It's not my name :(
#MyHand #SignOfNyoblos
P.S. Thank you for anyone who waste their time to read my post

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