

by - April 17, 2014

You've known that I as cute third grade student must do a lot of tests to graduate this level, SMA. I've done those dreary tests for 4 months recently and last one month I lost from the circulation effectively! And those are finally E-N-D after I passed 'Ujian Nasional' (UN) from 14 April 2014 to 16 April 2014. Yeeeyy, freedom *confetti*

Actually I'd love to struggle for these final tests, I am a type of masochist. Reading countless book especially UN stuff, play with a lot of numbers in mathematics, answer an hundred tasks gradually, sit in front of my laptop to get more additional stuff and I have heart to do it sincerely for many hours. And many things I did for my success. But once again I will tell you that passing my last Ujian Nasional is the form of freedom. Yes, F-R-E-E-D-O-M *more confetti*

Perhaps you are concern why I call passing UN is freedom moreover I never complain with the situation many months lately. As I've told you, I did a lot of things for UN and I did it without any big forcing by anyone. I love Ujian Nasional, I love it so much. I enjoyed to be made dizzy by those 6 subjects with plentyful messy lessons for 3 years. Not to mention I spent my 4 months just for UN without thinking any other problems even though I did it while I also enjoyed my last day in SMA with my classmate.I often say that UN is important to me (I’ll describe it more on next articles), that’s why I’ll do the best for UN.

Afterall, I still feel inhibited by UN though I love UN so much. Because I am too love with UN, I just focuse on it, I don't think about my another activities that  actually I must do it everyday but it has been limited by UN preparation.

First, I must leave English Club for a long time because therea are additional time after my class in the afternoon. I also must leave my hobby to compete in Economics or debate due to UN (even though I joined one incoincidental competition 2 weeks before UN).

 Next, I must make a new schedule and entire of its, I must spend my time, biggest part of time just for doing anything for UN preparation. Yes, I must decrease my time for chat-make status-SMS-call-etc till I must postpone my intension to buy new handphone with the prize from Kemendikbud (gapenting sih haha). And the most sorrow things, I cannot read another book exclude UN stuffs (books from1st to 3rd), I overlook the time I read about Theory of Citizenship, my father’s Theology books, real book of Economics, encouragement books and so forth.

Last but not least, I don't think about how to travel with my big family to have recreation.  I don't think about my handphone condition who reach into destruction  and big percents I don't think about how I can love someone and really crave to get into his heart. Yaa I forgot it all hahaha!

Nah, because UN has passed, here I'll write a little list what I'll do after UN and here to fill my at least 5 months holiday till I'll be a freshman of my lovely next University:

  1. Read a lot of non-fiction books at least 20 books about anythings whom I never read it in advance
  2. Write more articles on Blogger. (Blogger, be my friend!)
  3. Spend my last day in SMA with my classmates. I’ll swim, I’ll hang out. I’ll be with them ({})
  4. Learn to speak Javanese and Madurese fluently (Yes, I’ll study hard because I’ll spend my biggest time in my house)
  5. I wanna study to write Aksara Jawa, I wanna back to local culture (I am finding a teacher now)
  6. Little bit time to study another foreign language like French or Japan
  7. Start to Tahfidzul Qur’an :)
  8. Rehearse my self to be debater regardless whether I will continue this carrier on varsity or not. I wanna study again 
  9. Because I spend my big part of time in house, I wanna study to be housewife. Wait! Don’t you say I’ll marry after this but need it or not, as a woman I must do housewife duty, right? I’ll cook, wash plates up, launder, mop, sweep and so fortf and I’ll do it everyday continously, help mama :)
  10. And a little time I will study about SBMPTN though I don’t hope to face it :’’
Actually those lists are very usual but minimally I’ll do it and hope I still have another chance to do another avail things.
Once again, I will say that passing Ujian Nasional is equal to get big freedom. So I will say to another 3rd grade students around Indonesia. Happy Holiday! Big Holiday instead!

Faithfully yours,

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