2016, be calm!
Must be well prepared to face 2016 in doing all process and
get satisfied result in the end of year. Regret is not legitimate to come again
in my life, instead I regret due to trespassing the plan I make in the
beginning of year. OHHHH I’M SURE IT WILL IMPOSIBLE TO COME. Aamiin :’)
Let I think deeply and write my plan one by one meanwhile
reading Bismillah, wish Allah helps me to reach all plan I made :))
- I want to stop my addict to
hold and check smartphone anytime.
I’m sure smartphone has been declining my productivity to do anything because I will never focus to do my job while feeling afraid to leave update information from social media. Moreover, the information which I leave is not about political or international issues but I check all groups in my Line account and wait status updating from my friend. SOOO STUPID, SINTIA!!!!!Yes, because I have perceived about that, I need to habituate my self not to be addicted, I have to improve my intention for doing activity in focus - Read a lot meaningful book outside reference literature in classTo be honest, my plan is still same with last year because I got trouble to reach it. I only got a chance to read another my college book is in holiday. Not too much because I sleep more than reading. I got much problem when I discuss or make a scientific paper, yaa because I lack reading another field of knowledge. Bismillah this could be a lesson for betterment on 2016
- Writing MUCHNew consciousness comes to me after I know
that I got less productivity. I got
nothing for my history record. I don’t have much any output which gives
beneficial for humankind. I don’t remember again what critical thinking that I
made for betterment of life. All those happen because I LESS WRITING, writing
on my blog, writing on scientific paper, etc. Especially writing on blog, both!
BOTH! BOTH! Really I feel enjoy to write in English than Indonesia :(((
The main thing: I also have to write much in many conferences and writing competition :) - Be the best student in universityThis means to encourage me for better learning process in class. I must read college literature much, not to be easily thinking that the subject is deniable. Join class well, keep active, but not to ambitious haha. I need to do GOOD PROCESS hmm…
- Win in CompetitionReminder for you: I’M SPECIALIST FINALIST around 2015. I joined 4 paper competitions and I got finalist predicate for them :( Heyy I want to get my past glory to win (which glory? haha *forgetit). I don’t know what’s the urgency to be a winner while I cannot give beneficial for humankind. However being a winner is my parent’s hope, as a form of my process. Hmm doing better for every competition, it must :)
- Go InternationalI also want to go abroad to join scientific forum, representing Indonesia. Go there by free especially. It’s time for me to go to another country and see what happens there. Aaaah I want it. Please. I will do my best to reach it. Wish me luck for it.
- Being a Lecturer Assistant and Olympiad DelegateHmm it comes the year for me to apply lecturer assistant and Olympiad delegates. It makes my blood trembling every semester to keep my score in perfect. (FYI, my Financial Accounting score almost get me die due to its complicated). Oh I don’t know what will happen next. I deal to have big effort for them :”)))
- Be a better MuslimahHmm it will be hard to keep istiqomah in doing ritual such as Puasa Senin-Kamis and doing much sholat sunnah. However being a better in worshipping Allah is an ultimate goal of the year
- Stay Calm with HimHaha it’s crazy plan but it’s true considering our circumstance which impose us to be separated in distance. Only in distance, not and may not separate for our heart hahaha. Yes, I’m sure that I have to be calm and control my emotion in driving our relation. I must separate the time with him and on focus to my job (and tolerate to his business). I don’t know, what kinda plan I made in this point wkwk
Overall, I expect much for the successive of my plan in this
year. Even I just late to post the plan but it doesn’t mean failure of my plan in
the year.
Good bye for the evaluation in the end of the year with
every success news :))