This House Believes That GPA is Not Important
The title is not some motion that I found in
debate competition whether for prepared nor impromptu motion. Remind you again
that I just an ex debater which still love to discuss about controversial
GPA is abbreviation from Grade Point Average,
it’s like a final score that will be gotten by student. In Indonesia, only
student in university who uses this score method with range ≤
4. GPA is a reflection about the result of studying process in one
semester. GPA is accumulative score which are given by lecturer. If someone
able to achieve GPA > 3.5 so it means they got Cum Laude.
For your information countless I discuss
with people who insist to argue that GPA is not important at all. Instead it is
common for student to say GPA is not important in this life, what we need is
soft skill so develop your soft skill during your time in university. For this
time, I take in the opposition side.
Actually I know why there are some paradigm
to say GPA is not important. It is caused by judgment that someone who got high
GPA is not reflection of success people and hard worker. There is judgment that
someone who got high GPA will not positively have real skill in his/her field
that able to function when he/she go to work. They also say that GPA is not a
determination to have a good life. Maybe it’s some ideal reason why they said
Ladies and Gentleman…
I really have ever experienced that score
in studying process that’s given by lecturer beyond expectation. You feel
easily to learn the subject but finally you got bad score and vice versa. It’s
also resentment that your friend whom you think not good on that subject will
get perfect score. Hell! I knew it. He got fake score and so do I.
However you need to clarify it’s only in
one subject, Does the boy will got some lucky score until the end of his
college? Do clever people will got bad luckiness in their all subject?
No. Your hard work will answer the problem.
God will return everything that you need to get.
We are talking about accumulative score and
I am sure it doesn’t lie and underlying to luckiness of people even though every
manipulation is possible. But I want to ensure you that clever people in this
world shows suitable GPA that they got.
I often read book and almost clever people
that’s called as academician got cum laude GPA in their university. B.J.
Habibie got Summa Cumlaude in Rheinisch University-Westfalische Technice
Hohschule and another great inventor of this world.It’s also happen to all
nobel achiever in this world except peace nobel kali lah ya. SURE! GPA is
reflection. GPA is reflection of people in studying hard. We cannot deny it!
If someone tells us about skill which is
not gotten by high GPA achiever, what skill they mean? Going to university,
most of them got theory in studying process however there is practicum even I
surely it’s different with the real industry. We cannot blame them to be able
facing real world easily with the asset of going to class every day. Every
company definitely will give trainee to all new employee. However most of
student in university is told by basic in practice reality because the output
in one class is not only in one industry. It’s time to develop the knowledge
that we got much in class. Developing knowledge in industry after graduation,
it must be!
I also sure GPA is not determination of
success people. It’s caused we’re talking in Indonesia, there are no appreciation
toward people who got best predicate in their school. Different from Finland and
USA that someone who got best predicate will be appreciated government to be teacher
or lecturer with high salary. You need to know in my university, Brawijaya
University, someone as best student on 2014 was taken by Industry in Germany
directly. Where is Indonesia? Our
country doesn’t appreciate them at all by the high GPA he got.
GPA is really important if there is some
appreciation like foreign people did it.
Guys, I know soft skill is needed in our
life but I cannot deny going to university it means we need to study a lot
matter of hard skill. Class taught you to have leadership, when we need to
control emotion in doing some project as a group, public speaking in doing
presentation matter in front of class, has ethic of discussion, etc. I know
that organization is also need to seek a lot friend and be an extrovert but do
you will victimize the class for something which you can learn it everywhere by
sharping your intention?
In the end, determination of good life is
not really got by GPA. Allah determines fate of people, not from GPA or even
soft skill. Everything is hold by Allah.
We don’t know why Bill Gates able to be richest people in this world even he
was dropped out from University. You can earn money as much as you can work
hard to achieve it in your job.
Ladies and Gentleman…
GPA is reflection when you work hard during
your time in university. Everything in your field that you learn in university
is important. It’s important to get full knowledge. Important to make your
child proud of parents that able to be best student in his/her span.
It’s right to say what Prof. Iwan Triyuwono
(2015) our education is provided to fill need of market. Success people were
not counted to fill brain of student with matter subject that in the end will
reflect by good score.
I know some of you has different
perspective in discussing this topic but I want to ensure you not to be crazy
in leaving your target to study hard which your parent can see it by your high
GPA, no matter it seldom lie the fact.
Study hard! Allah loves people who want to
search knowledge as much as possible that He wants to offer you higher position
in physical and absolute reality (Al Mujadalah:11)
Freshman to Critical Student,
hmm, kalau begitu ada beberapa pertanyaan yg kuajuin (sbg tim kontra):
ReplyDelete1. Kalau anda menyebutkan bahwa IPK merefleksikan kerja keras selama pembelajaran, bagaimana dengan mahasiswa idealis? Banyak mahasiswa yang sering menentang pendapat dosen dan akhirnya berujung kepada pemberian nilai yang jelek? Apakah mereka belajar? Tentu saja iya. Apakah mereka memenuhi kaidah etis? Tentu saja, namun banyak dosen yang menganggap tidak etis karena perbedaan pandangan itu. Mana yang anda pilih, menjadi mahasiswa penurut namun idealitas terpendam atau menjadi mahasiswa idealis dengan risiko IPK jatuh?
2. Anda mengatakan bahwa di luar negeri orang ber-IPK tinggi direkrut menjadi dosen dengan gaji tinggi. Pernyataan anda seolah-olah menunjukkan bahwa apresiasi hanya dinilai dari materi semata. Coba lihat para aktivis yang rela mengajar di pelosok. Apakah mereka dibayar? Jelas tidak. Mengapa mereka bertahan? Apakah orientasi mereka materi? Jika saya menjadi seorang rektor, mungkin saya akan berpikir dua kali untuk merekrut anda meski dengan IPK tinggi sekalipun.
3. Anda sendiri mengutip pendapat bahwa pendidikan saat ini berorientasi pasar. Sistem pendidikan ala pasar (liberal) memang memandang IPK sebagai patokan. Nah, saya menangkap bahwa anda memandang pendidikan sebagai proses menuruti kebutuhan pasar semata. Nah, bagaimana dengan pandangan para pendiri bangsa (Ki Hajar Dewantara, Tjokroaminoto, Hasyim Asyari, dll.) yang secara tegas menginginkan model pendidikan berbasis spiritual? Bukankah model pendidikan spiritual sangat bertentangan dengan semangat pasar? Apakah dengan demikian anda setuju untuk menanggalkan nilai spiritual demi memenuhi kebutuhan pasar?
Dari mahasiswa IPK cum laude tapi tidak bangga dengan pencapaiannya
NB: sistem debatnya apa ya? Asia, British, Australia, atau sistem yang lain?
1. Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan bahwa kasus yang terjadi seperti itu hanya akan terjadi pada beberapa mata kuliah yang dosennya memiliki sentimentil. Pasti ada saat-saat dimana nilai yang kita peroleh tidak sesuai dengan kapabilitas kita. Bagaimanapun kita tak berbicara tentang satu nilai saja. IPK merupakan kumpulan nilai dan bagaimanapun kapabilitas seseorang pasti menunjukkan tingginya IPK yang dia miliki walaupun terdapat beberapa nilai yang jatuh disebabkan subjektivitas dosen.
ReplyDelete2. Semua hal yang saya maksud adalah tentang kebermanfaatan orang tersebut. Disini statement yang saya lontarkan berlandaskan atas ucapan bahwa seseorang yang berIPK tinggi pun tak mungkin bisa bekerja, dalam artian dia tidak bisa menebarkan manfaatnya kepada orang di sekitarnya. Bagaimanapun menurut saya hal tersebut tidaklah benar, seseorang yang berIPK tinggi atau dapat dimaksud memiliki kapabilitas yang tinggi dapat menebarkan manfaat dimana saja. Tak ada istilah menganggur, mereka pasti akan bermanfaat. Dan bentuk kebermanfaatan untuk orang lain tersebut diapresiasi dengan pemberian sebuah material. Saya tak bisa menyangkal, semua orang butuh material untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisiknya, suam/istrinya, dan paling penting adalah anaknya.
3. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa statement yang saya maksudkan berorientasi pada pandangan kebanyakan orang yang mengatakan bahwa sukses tidaknya seseorang dalam berpendidikan adalah bagaimana dia bisa bekerja dan menghasilkan uang sebanyak-banyaknya. Saya sependapat dengan anda yang menyebutkan bahwa model pendidikan harusnya memiliki nilai spiritual. Begitupun apa yang saya maksudkan bahwa janganlah orang terus menganggap remeh seseorang untuk mencari ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya apabila pada akhirnya terserap tidaknya dia pada pasar mengatakan kalau dia mengalami proses pendidikan yang salah. Orang yang berIPK tinggi adalah mereka yang memiliki kemauan dan semangat tinggi untuk belajar, janganlah sedikitpun mengatakan kegagalan proses belajar orang tersebut di akhir apabila dia masih belum terserap oleh pasar karena bagaimanapun orang tersebut akan bermanfaat jauh lebih dari kebutuhan di pasar.
Let it flow. No offense kak hihi
Presidential Debate aja bos. Ini murni pemikiran saya vs pemikiran anda