
Bye, Debate World!

by - March 02, 2015

Debate is an activity when someone argue their opinion in different idea and there will be an opposition side that will oppose the idea of someone. The goal of debate is making every people agree about or opinion so we have to ensure them by arguing systematic and logically.
That is my definition even Oxford says that:

Whatever the definition, I am sure that I’m a part of people that love this activity. Debate that I mean here is Parliamentary Debate that is for competition where we argue all of our argument in English and there’s role of doing the debate.
Parliamentary debate generally consists by  2 kind of debate (1) Asian/Australian Debate;  consists 3 people in each team who debate with another team as opposition side. This type also divide to Asian Parliamentary Debate that permit point of interruption and  Australian Parliamentary Debate which is not (2) British Parliamentary Debate; consists 2 people in each team with 2 team under pros side who battle with 2 team as opposition side.

I studied debate since I was 2nd grade of Senior High School in English Club. I meet with great coach, named Mr. Edy Darmawan. He can make me  and my friend debate professionally even by the time I and all my friend could not speak English well. You can imagine that it’s hard to study Parliamentary Debate with low capability in speaking English or even did debate systematically as Great Debater

The time goes by, I don’t know how debate could be our hobby. I did debate everyday. I have heart to go home lately for join debate class. But it only happened a year because I must go as 3rd grade student and it also cut by my business as delegasi olimpiade until National Round instead.
I cannot say that I’m great debater as another member of English Club because I often leave English Club for my business. Sometimes, I also bored with debate because it’s exhausted and I prefer Olympiad to debate competition. However I am grateful to fill my activity as debater SMA because I can speak English more fluently than before.

Debate also makes me smarter because it sued me to study about all subject from a lot of aspect. Debate forces me to read newspaper and study about International politic, war, controversial of new policy or habituation of human being. You must see everything by two perspective. Dizzy and wonderful!

After I got those little achievement, I want to continue my career as varsity debater in Brawijaya University, I joined FORMASI (Forum Mahasiswa Studi Bahasa Inggris) and join debate division. It’s very entertaining when I remember all my experience as debater SMA. I practice a lot until there’s open selection for FORMASI debater as delegation of Brawijaya University in East Java Varsity English Debate (EJVED); one of prestigious competition around East Java college.

I did the selection well, I have heart to go home until 9.30 p.m. everyday. It was very exhausted because I also must finish my assignment as Accounting student. I did it until I was selected as Delegation of Brawijaya University after overlapping dizzy selection then I must almost 11 p.m. everyday for 2 weeks. It’s very tortured because the gate of campus has been closed so I must walk further to reach my boarding house. The substance of the varsity debate also very difficult, I need to read a lot of reference to be able to understand the material

However the result of EJVED not make me automatically desire to continue my debate career. My mother always doubt with my safety if I walk alone every night. She want to make me study hard in class and prepare to be tim olimpiade and lecturer assistant in the 5th semester.
I study debate difficultly and leave it easily!
I do believe another luck and success will come to me in another chance as writer, tim olimpiade, and lecturer assistant.

Be positive!

(ex) debater,


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