New Year Eve

by - December 31, 2013

The Last Paper on 2013
It feels faster that I remembered, I fell asleep in New Year eve while everyone turn the beauty firework, it was transition 2012 to 2013. Time goes by, I come to this time, the beautiful transition 2013 to 2014. I do not know what will I do in New Year eve, the best possibility answer is........
Sleep again haha.

I rarely celebrate New Year eve, reason :

1. My family is not lusty with New Year eve because it's not our culture.
Yes, we think that our calendar is not Masehi but Hijriah but we ever celebrate it on 2002 - 2004 and  2007 - 2009 (huhu mencla-mencle)

2.  My house is far fromdowntown.
A sequel part above, on 2002 - 2004 we lived near downtown. By the time, we lived in Bintaro kota Tangerang Selatan, we also had a car so we could go around the town. As I remembered, we celebrated it around Bundaran HI Jakarta Pusat, hear the lovely noisy firework.

3. Depend with my surrounding
A sequel number 1, on 2007 - 2009. I still leave in suburban city. On those years, I did not go to the lovers of New Year eve like Ancol, Bundaran HI, Monas, etc. I just keep quiet on my house in kab. Tangerang. I and neighbour held acara bakar-bakar ever New Year eve, we grilled meat, fish or chicken. But here in Malang, people around me don't have lusty with New Year eve. So that's very different.

4. Stay up and talk all night, is very difficult
it's obviously that mentioned exact vicissitude new year eve is 00.00. It's normal for everyone whom go to bed maximum at 10 p.m because they adjust with their time to awake 6 till 8 hours later. And sleep more than 10 p.m, it feels so exhaustable considering everyone work a full day so they must take a rest firstly. It same with me that I don't have strength to open my eyes till midnight come. So even I say that I celebrated exact new year eve, I slept and my mom awakened me at 00.00, embarassing really :3

and I don't know what will be in new year eve tonight. To me, new year eve is not about turning light many fireworks but it about how we will face the new year in our life and fill it with a lot of great achievement.
I do to make it. Happy New Year 2014!

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